Friday, April 1, 2011

Same Sex Marriages

I think its best if we don't recognize same sex marriages why? because most states recognize this and it's really affending toward the same sex marriage thing. I think if they would come Texas (Dallas) then we shouldn't really make it a big deal because i mean there are some people who do the same sex marriage thing why?  i don't know because thats not right to me but i really dont make a big deal about it until its brought to my attention or people have a discussion about it.


I am JORDYNN THOMAS biggest fan!


I think Anti-Abortion is good, because I dont think its right to kill a human being  I really think that abortion has gone to far, and its decimating our numbers and its going to take a kind of boom for us to realize that this is depopulating the numbers. About the billboards no i wasnt affended I actually agreed with them because they were a 100% right ! iim glad they put the billboards up to let people know/notice !


Hi my name is Devonse Reed I attend Dallas A.Maceo Smith High School... I play basketball for them also... I don't socialize alot but i do talk sometimes lol my favorite thing to do is play basketball thats all i really do besides hang out with my bros and watch movies i have no real life i guess u can say... well thats it